Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disease. This disease was discovered in the late 1970s and patients with this disease suffer from learning disabilities to more severe cognitive or intellectual disabilities. Sadly, there is no cure but antidepressants, anxiety medications, sleeping medications, and depressants provide patients with the best quality of life and independence that is possible for people with this disease. Also, occupational and speech therapy are often prescribed. Unfortunately, the average age of death is twelve years lower than normal. This disease occurs in about one in three thousand six-hundred males and one in four thousand to six thousand. As you can see, this disease is more vulnerable to males. The genes of this disease are mutated. We should know about this disease because we might be able to find a cure and prolong the lives of the people who have it and help them have a normal life they otherwise would not have. Also, we have to be informed of this disease because it will help us better understand how to help those who have this disease and that people actually suffer from this disease. Click here to learn more and help the cause!

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