Thursday, February 5, 2009

Class Response:Rollercoasters

For the past two days, the science classes have been working on rollercoasters! These rides are made of toilet paper tubes, tape, cardboard, and a marble to test it out with. We are currently learning about forces, Newton's laws, and energy. These elements help us greatly with the task at hand. To make the task even harder, we only have a few class periods to complete our coasters. For our marble to go up hills and do loops we used the acceleration of a slope. This represents the first law which is that a object at rest will remain at rest until acted upon by an unbalanced force. The unbalanced force in this case is gravity. To find out even more information, I went to this link.
It says that if you went at the same speed you would only feel the force of gravity. If you were to accelerate you would feel inertia pushing you forward or back. When you are going down a hill with the forces balanced you would feel weightlessness which I think is very fun. I think this project will help have a better understanding of forces and what we are currently learning through a fun and exciting way.

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