Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration of President Barack Obama!~!

On January 20, 2009, President Elect Barack Obama was inaugurated president! Approximately 1.5 million million people gathered on the National Mall to watch the historic event. Joe Biden took the oath of office after Aretha Franklin sang the song "My country 'tis of Thee".  Obama used the Bible used by the legendary Abraham Lincoln and recited the oath of office. After, he became the 44th president and said his meaningful speech. The article used quotes from Obama's speech which was "Greatness is never a given. It must be earned." he said" This article says that an amazing, barrier-breaking man has been inaugurated president of the United States of America. Hundreds of thousands of people are inspired by this man and believe that he will bring change to this country.
The first African-American was inaugurated president. At 12:00 George W. Bush transfered his power to Barack Hussein Obama. Arriving in a heavy, armor clad limousine, Mrs. and Mr. Obama walked along Pennslyvania Avenue. The new president made a 18 minutes long speech and every sentence was meaningful. Barack Obama now as many issues to solve from the economy to the killings in Gaza. "Unlike most predecessors, Obama takes office with his agenda in many ways set for him." This sentence from the article is very true in many ways.
I think Obama will make an excellent president and make many Americans lives easier. He may have a long way to completing the tasks at hand, but I am confident he will succeed. 

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