Monday, December 1, 2008

Class Response


During this class we colored butterflys to camouflage themselves from a predator. The predator was Mrs. Smith. We used the surroundings to color our butterfly. My butter fly was colored mostly green and gray with some brown on the end of the wings. I colored it that way to be camouflaged on top of a window. During three trials my butterfly was found twice. Animals camouflage themselves to make themselves uninteresting or dangerous to avoid being eaten. Animals change their color and sometimes their texture to be camouflaged. Also, some are naturally camouflaged.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Class Response


Humans and E. coli have form of symbiosis called mutualism. Mutualism is a form of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit. Our class is creating a book containing different kinds of symbiosis. Parasitism and commensalism are other forms of symbiosis. On the internet I found lot of different information about the relationship between humans and E. coli. E. coli obtains warmth, shelter, and nutrients from the colon. Humans get lots of vitamin K and sodium. Most forms of E. coli don't cause disease. E.coli can be caused my undercooked meat or bad vegetables. E. coli can produce up to 500ml of gas per day. I think that knowing more about how e. coli and humans react together can help you in everyday life because you would be able to tell if you had E. coli and what you should avoid to prevent it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Current Event Blog

Just in! Astronomers have just discovered a star that has two asteroid belts. The star is Epsilon Eridani. It is about 10.5 light years away and younger than the sun. They say that the solar system is comparable to our when it was 850 million years old. Some astronomers say that it was a good depiction of our young solar system. The first asteroid belt is about where ours is, which is 3 astronomical units(the average Earth-Sun distance). The second asteroid belt is where Uranus is. They say that Epsilon 
Eridani potentially evolve into something similar to ours. I think in the future we may be able to detect
terrestrial planet. It might even have life even though that is a very low chance. I am intrigues because
we still have a lot to learn and we learn something everyday.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ecofriendly Home

In, a small town of the most Northern part of Britain Micheal and Dot Ray are striving to create a 0 emission house. They want to have the most eco-friendly house possible. Conditions are good because of the high winds and lots of sunlight. They grow  there own vegetable and fruits to eat. Insulated windows, L.E.D. lights, ventalation system, and a water battery are key components to save energy. The most important will always be the giant windmill. 

I think if everyone had this effort to make eco-friendly homes we would greatly slow global warming. Also, we will see the air getting cleaner, animals getting healthier, and people happier. Also, i think people could actually be able to do this if they wanted to. I am inspired to help the enviroment.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Class response 2

This class response is about how we learned how scientist locate oil. The first thing we did was use maps of traps, resouvoirs, and source. We traced these to a piece of paper. After, We used our maps to try and dig for "oil". We tried for our biggest place where oil could be and fould some. After, four more tries we only found 1 more spot of oil. It was very fun!

Class response 1

I am posting about the time we did the activity to show the water cycle. There were cups that represented clouds. In addition, the spoons represented how water travels to different placesThere were also resouvoirs. These included:aquifers, lakes, industry, ect. The first time I was chosen to be a cloud. This really helped me to understand the water cycle.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I think the WWW is the greatest invention because without it i wouldn't be writing this paragraph. Alos, it helps us communicate quicker. It helps us express how we feel, relieve stress, and many more things. People can share information in a matter in seconds. It can be lot of fun no matter what you are doing!!!!!! p.S. scroll down and check out my video!!!
(\__/) ROAR!


Ummmmm.... hi tehe ummmmmmmmmmmmm...... bye

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Two Crooks Get HUGE Shock
Two crooks go into a Biker Bar and intend to rob it. Armed with machetes they feel confident but, the cashier feels confindent too. Seconds later after the crooks go in a biker gang chases after them with tables, chairs, and even electrical wire to chase after the crooks. One crook smashes through a window to get away. Fortunetly, moment later the biker gangs catches up with him and held him down until the cops came. Justice!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Class reponse

Today in class we used Garage Band. It was really fun to try out all the different sounds and effects. My sister said when she tried Garage Band and she it was awesome! I haven't figured everything out but I can't wait until tomorrow. I learned how to record different sounds and used previosly recorded sounds too. I'll enjoy using it later in the year too.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Science Sites

Brought to you by Washington State University

Made possible by Microsoft Corporations

This site lets you ask a queastion and they'll find it or you can loo at the past questions and answers.

This site is very easy to use and kid friendly.

Negatively, this site has the topics in no order.

This site is great for a curios mind.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Can you translate this please?

天色阴沉昏暗,气温骤降,看样子快要下雪了。寂静的盘山公路上一辆别克车疾驰而过,詹姆斯手握方向盘心急如焚,车上有他的妻子凯蒂和七岁的女儿。两个小时前,他已经意识到迷路了,得赶快离开这渺无人烟的鬼地方,万一大雪封山,后果不堪设想。   感恩节假期,詹姆斯全家外出旅行,出发时还艳阳高照,没想到回来的路上却风云突变。为了赶路,他不小心错过了高速公路的出口误入深山。  夜幕降临时,下起了雪。密集的雪粒急促地敲打着汽车挡风玻璃,詹姆斯不由得加大了油门。走到半路,车子突然熄火,汽油耗尽了。他并未慌乱,冷静地掏出手机,拨通了报警电话。可他却不知自己身在何处,说不清具体方位,只能反复描述四周的地貌特征……话未说完,手机就没电了。  詹姆斯一家只能躲在车内焦急地等待,只要雪停了,就能搭上顺风车。然而翌日一早,雪下得更大了。毫无疑问,大雪封山,所有进山公路均已封闭,詹姆斯的心一下子沉到了谷底。  车上的食物最多只能维持两天,饥饿和严寒随时可能将他们推入绝境。女儿躲在妈妈怀里怯怯地问:“爸爸,我们还能走出去吗?”詹姆斯假装抬头看了看天,然后回过头笑着说:“当然!明天一定会停雪,到时就有人来救我们了。”他努力装出轻松的表情,心里却一点底也没有。  两天过去了,大雪依然纷纷扬扬。一家三口躲在车里,紧紧拥抱着靠体温取暖。车上只剩下最后一块面包,詹姆斯再也坐不住了,一个大胆的想法在他脑海里浮现:他决定独自下车,徒步走出大山  求救。妻子凯蒂坚决反对,外面天寒地冻,没有食物,缺乏足够御寒的衣物,还得时刻面临迷路的危险,出去几乎是九死一生。“别担心,难道你忘了我曾是登山运动员吗?”詹姆斯显得无比自信,他抬腕看了看表,“现在是上午9点,下午两点前我一定回来。”  詹姆斯亲吻了熟睡中的女儿,然后紧紧拥抱着妻子说:“凯蒂,一定要挺住,等我回来!”一双网球鞋,一套运动衣,外加一件夹克衫,这是他全部的装备。  又是三天三夜,大雪终于疲倦了,风也停了,阳光透过车窗温柔地抚摸着凯蒂苍白的脸庞,她微微睁开眼睛,却被耀眼的光芒刺得头晕目眩,随即又不省人事。不知过了多久,她再次睁开双眼,发现自己已躺在医院的病房里,女儿睡在身旁,手上插着透明的输液管。  被困五天后,母女俩终于获救了!凯蒂心里刚掠过一丝劫后余生的庆幸,突然又意识到了什么,疯狂地大叫起来:“詹姆斯,詹姆斯……”然而,回应她的只有闻声而来的护士。  原来,营救人员并未见到詹姆斯。他们首先发现了被困的车子,于是救下了凯蒂母女。詹姆斯极有可能迷路了。搜救工作立即全面展开。  次日傍晚,****终于找到了詹姆斯。他静静地躺在雪地上,蜷缩成一团,早已停止了呼吸。让人无法想像的是,冰天雪地里詹姆斯竟然全身赤裸。人们在不远处发现了他的内裤,已被撕成两半,另一半不知去向。  詹姆斯右手紧攥着,****用力掰开他僵硬的手指,一张字条从指间滑落,几行歪歪扭扭的字依稀可辨:“我们在山上迷路了,我的妻子和女儿被困在车上,请赶快救救她们!沿着路上留下的衣服碎片一直找,要快……凯蒂,还有我的孩子,我爱你们!”