Monday, October 27, 2008

Current Event Blog

Just in! Astronomers have just discovered a star that has two asteroid belts. The star is Epsilon Eridani. It is about 10.5 light years away and younger than the sun. They say that the solar system is comparable to our when it was 850 million years old. Some astronomers say that it was a good depiction of our young solar system. The first asteroid belt is about where ours is, which is 3 astronomical units(the average Earth-Sun distance). The second asteroid belt is where Uranus is. They say that Epsilon 
Eridani potentially evolve into something similar to ours. I think in the future we may be able to detect
terrestrial planet. It might even have life even though that is a very low chance. I am intrigues because
we still have a lot to learn and we learn something everyday.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ecofriendly Home

In, a small town of the most Northern part of Britain Micheal and Dot Ray are striving to create a 0 emission house. They want to have the most eco-friendly house possible. Conditions are good because of the high winds and lots of sunlight. They grow  there own vegetable and fruits to eat. Insulated windows, L.E.D. lights, ventalation system, and a water battery are key components to save energy. The most important will always be the giant windmill. 

I think if everyone had this effort to make eco-friendly homes we would greatly slow global warming. Also, we will see the air getting cleaner, animals getting healthier, and people happier. Also, i think people could actually be able to do this if they wanted to. I am inspired to help the enviroment.